Aplicación del enfoque tecnológico al análisis cerámico: guía introductoria

Valentine ROUX, Catherine LARA. Aplicación del enfoque tecnológico al análisis cerámico: guía introductoria. Instituto Francés de Estudios Andinos, Lima. ISBN: 978-612-4358-22-7, 118 p., 22x 22 cm.

This guide offers Spanish-speaking readers an introduction to the technological approach to archaeological ceramic assemblages. This approach consists of reconstructing the production chains used to make the vessels and thus characterising the technical traditions practised in the past. The ultimate aim is to offer a cultural and sociological interpretation that explains the diversity of traditions and their evolution. The first part of this guide describes and illustrates the traces of shaping, finishing, surface treatment and decorative techniques. The second part provides a glossary of the terminology used in ceramic technology. This guide is taken from the book Ceramics and Society (Roux 2019). It is illustrated by numerous examples from South America.

Roux, V., & Lara, C. (2023). Aplicación del enfoque tecnológico al análisis cerámico: guía introductoria (Instituto Francés de Estudios Andinos (IFEA)). https://www.ifea.org.pe/libreria/hors-collection/