“A Fontainebleau, de mystérieuses gravures rupestres cachées dans la forêt”
This article from Le Monde interviews several members of the Collective Research Project on “Prehistoric Rock Art in the Sandstone Chaos of the Paris Basin. Archiving, study and development”, coordinated by Boris Valentin. Photograph by Emilie Lesvignes, archaeophotographer.
A 3.5 km family discovery trail will feature 8 educational panels devoted to rock art. Information : Maison du parc naturel régional du Gâtinais français
In the wooded massifs of southern Ile-de-France, thousands of rock shelters were carved by humans in prehistoric times. Archaeologists are working to understand the meaning of these age-old works and to preserve them.
Cazenave, C. (2024, April 19). A Fontainebleau, de mystérieuses gravures rupestres cachées dans la forêt. Le Monde.fr. https://www.lemonde.fr/m-styles/article/2024/04/19/a-fontainebleau-de-mysterieuses-gravures-rupestres-cachees-dans-la-foret_6228768_4497319.html