Fanny Bocquentin
Selected bibliography
- Bocquentin F. et Gamon C. 2023. La Mort à l'œil nu, CNRS Éditions.
- Bocquentin F. 2023, « La naissance de la propriété », dans Gefen A. (dir.), [en ligne] Un monde commun : Les savoirs des sciences humaines et sociales, Paris, CNRS Éditions, p. 206‑209.
- Bocquentin F. 2023. De la sépulture aux ancêtres : identifier l’invisible, reconstruire les dynamiques sociales. In : J-M. Geneste, P. Grosos et B. Valentin. Préhistoire. Nouvelles frontières, Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l’homme, pp. 203-209, 2023, 9782735129874. ⟨10.4000/books.editionsmsh.56145⟩. ⟨hal-04207108⟩
- Bocquentin, F., and Noûs, C. 2022. Dealing with the dead at Beisamoun during the Middle PPNB: Revisiting Lechevallier’s field archives. In D. Ackerfeld, & A. Gopher (Eds.), Dealing with the dead. Studies on burial practices in the Pre-Pottery Neolithic Levant (pp. 197-214). Ex Oriente. ⟨hal-03946504⟩
- Bocquentin F., Kacki S., Buquet C., Goudiaby H., Schotsmans E., et C. Noûs. 2022, Appréhender la frontière entre vivants et morts par l’archéo-anthropologie. Bulletins et mémoires de la Société d’Anthropologie de Paris. BMSAP [en ligne], 34, 1 : 4-7.
- Bocquentin F. et Noûs C. 2022, « Considerations on the mechanisms of integration of the dead in the early sedentary societies of the Near East (Natufian, 15-11.6 ka cal BP) », Bulletins et mémoires de la Société d’Anthropologie de Paris. BMSAP [en ligne], 34, 1: 15-28.
- Bocquentin, F., 2021. Beyond the Formal Analysis of Funerary Practices? Archaeothantology as a Reflexive Tool for Considering the Role of the Dead amongst the Living: A Natufian Case Study., in: Knüsel, C.J., Schotsmans, E.M.J. (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Archaeothanatology. London, pp. 159–177.
- Bocquentin, F., Chamel, B., Anton, M., Noûs, C., 2021. The Subsistence and foodways transition during Neolithization process: glimpses from a contextualized dental perspective. In J. Vieugué and N. Mazzucco “Dietary Practices of the First Mediterranean Farmers: Producing, Storing, Preparing and Consuming Foodstuffs in the Neolithic Period”, Food & History, 19(1-2): 23–52. Article lauréat du Prix biennal du meilleur article publié dans Food & History.
- Bocquentin, F., Anton, M., 2021. Visual inventories and field note templates for contextualised recording of human remains. Bulletins et mémoires de la Société d’Anthropologie de Paris 33.
- Santana J., Millard A., Ibáñez-Estevez J.J., Bocquentin F., Nowell G., Peterkin J., Macpherson C., Muñiz J., Anton M., Alrousan M. et Kafafi Z.2021, « Multi-isotope evidence of population aggregation in the Natufian and scant migration during the early Neolithic of the Southern Levant », Sci Rep, 11, 1, p. 11857.
- Stutz A.J., Bocquentin F., Chamel B. et Anton M.2021, « The Effects of Early Childhood Stress on Mortality under Neolithization in the Levant », Paléorient. Revue pluridisciplinaire de préhistoire et de protohistoire de l’Asie du Sud-Ouest et de l’Asie centrale, 47‑1, p. 45‑70.
- Bocquentin, F., Anton, M., Berna, F., Rosen, A., Khalaily, H., Greenberg, H., Hart, T., Lernau, O., Horwitz, L.K., 2020. Emergence of corpse cremation during the Pre-Pottery Neolithic of the Southern Levant: A multidisciplinary study of a pyre-pit burial. PLOS ONE.
- Bocquentin, F., Khalaily, H., Boaretto, E., Dubreuil, L., Schechter, H.C., Bar-Yosef Mayer, D., Greenberg, H., Berna, F., Anton, M., Borrell, F., Le Bourdonnec, F.-X., Davin, L., Noûs, C., Samuelian, N., Vieugué, J., Howitz, L.K., 2020. Between Two Worlds: The PPNB-PPNC Transition in the Central Levant as Seen Through Discoveries at Beisamoun, in: Khalaily, H., Re’em, A., Vardi, J., Milevski, I. (Eds.), The Mega-Project at Motza (Moza): The Neolithic and Later Occupations up to the 20th Century, New Studies in the Archaeology of Jerusalem and Its Region. Jerusalem, pp. 163–199.