Nejma Goutas
Selected bibliography
- AVERBOUH A, GOUTAS N. & MERY S. (dir.) - (2021) - Nomad Lives. From Prehistoric Times to The Present Day. Collection "Natures en Sociétés" (Dir. Artaud, Roustan, Ruas), PSM, Paris, 672 p.
- TOUZÉ O., GOUTAS N., H. SALOMON & P. NOIRET (2021) – North-western Europe during the Gravettian, Contributions of recent research to the understanding of the societies and their environments, Proceedings of the International congress, University of Liège, Liège (12-13 April 2018), Presses Universitaires de Liège & Anthropologica et Praehis-torica. Parution en 2021, 368 p.
- KLARIC L, GOUTAS N., LACARRIERE J., BANKS W. E. (2021) - Rayssien ? Vous avez dit Rayssien ? Approche multi-proxies d’une culture préhistorique du Gravettien, In TOUZÉ O., GOUTAS N., H. SALOMON & P. NOIRET (2021) – North-western Europe during the Gravettian, Contributions of recent research to the understanding of the societies and their environments, Proceedings of the International congress, University of Liège, Liège (12-13 April 2018), Presses Universitaires de Liège & Anthropologica et Praehis-torica. Parution en 2021, pp. 321-364.
- LACARRIÈRE J., GOFFETTE Q., JADIN I., PESCHAUX C., SALOMON H., GOUTAS N. (2021) – A review of the Gravettian collections excavated at Maisières "Canal" (Prov. of Hainaut, Belgium). A crossstudy of fossil and non-fossil animal resources for food and technical exploitation, In TOUZÉ O., GOUTAS N., H. SALOMON & P. NOIRET (2021) – North-western Europe during the Gravettian, Contributions of recent research to the understanding of the societies and their environments, Proceedings of the International congress, University of Liège, Liège (12-13 April 2018), Presses Universitaires de Liège & Anthropologica et Praehis-torica. Parution en 2021, pp. 51-72.
- CHRISTENSEN M. & GOUTAS N. dir. (2018) – À coups d’éclats ! La fracturation des matières osseuses en Préhistoire : discussion autour d’une modalité d’exploitation en apparence simple et pourtant mal connue, Actes de la séance de la Société préhistorique française de Paris (25 avril 2017), Paris, SPF (Séances de la Société préhistorique française, 13), 368 p.
- GOUTAS N., CHRISTENSEN M., AVERBOUH A. (2018) – De l’Atlantique à l’Oural : l’exploitation des matières osseuses au Paléolithique, in M. Christensen, N. Goutas et F.-X. Chauvière (dir.) – Os, bois, ivoire et corne : l’exploitation des matières dures d’origine animale. Artefact. Techniques, Histoire et Sciences humaines (Dossier spécial, 7), Presses universitaires de Rennes, Rennes, p. 9-38
- GOUTAS N. & TEJERO J.-M. (2016) – Osseous technology as a reflection of chronological, economic and sociological aspects of Palaeolithic hunter-gatherers: Examples from key Aurignacian and Gravettian sites in South-West Europe, Quaternary International, 403, p. 79-89 pages.