Pincevent (La Grande Paroisse, 77) European Heritage Days – Special ‘60th anniversary’ Open Day
Base archéologique de Pincevent (Seine-et-Marne) La Grande-Paroisse, FranceOn the weekend of 21-22 September 2024, on the occasion of the European Heritage Days, the Pincevent Archaeological Centre is organising an Open Day for visitors to the site. These days are also an opportunity to celebrate 60 years since the discovery of this remarkable prehistoric site, known for its many perfectly preserved Magdalenian levels, including vast campsites, and for having been the crucible of the palethnological approach.
This Open House will take place between 10am and 6pm, with guided tours every hour, the chance to see experiments (flint knapping, hide tanning) and take part in activities (propulsor shooting, fire-making, digging tank for youngsters).
Pre-booking for tours and workshops by e-mail.
Information and pre-booking by telephone (ArkéoMédia): 01 64 85 60 42.