Looking for volunteers for Eynan-Mallaha (Upper Galilee, Israel) excavation 25th of June to the 16th of July

Eynan-Mallaha is one of the most important prehistoric sites in Southwest Asia. This Natufian settlement, occupied between 12,500 and 9,700 BC, offers a unique insight into the development of a sedentary lifestyle, preceding the adoption of an agro-pastoral economy in the area. The site has been excavated since 1955 and has revealed a plethora of information including houses, burials, faunal remains, ornaments, stone and bone tools. Excavations resumed in 2023 (F. Bocquentin & L. Weissbrod dir.), with the goal of refining our understanding of the various phases of occupation, the evolution of exchange and mobility patterns, ritual behaviour, and food practices, among others.

We are currently seeking volunteers over the age of 18 who can commit for the full 3 weeks season*. Accommodation (in a kibbutz) and meals are provided by the mission. Travelling expenses are at the charge of the volunteer (Tel-Aviv international airport).

*If you live in the area, don’t need accommodation and are able to reach the site independently, you are welcome to participate for a shorter period of time.

Contact information and application: Fanny Bocquentin (fanny.bocquentin@cnrs.fr)

Conditions of participation:
– be over 18,
– Passport still valid 6 months after the return date,
– Up-to-date tetanus vaccination,
– Compulsory personal coverage: illness, civil liability, repatriation,
– Able to withstand the weather (35 to 40°C daily),
– Submit a brief CV and a few lines explaining your motivations.

More information on the site and references:
