Raphaële Guilbert-Berger

Bibliografía seleccionada

  • • 2006 DUBRUEIL L.,GUILBERT R., PLISSON H. – The functional significance of Sauveterian microlithic assemblages : Broadening the focus.
  • • 2006 GUILBERT R.- PHILIBERTS., PEREZANI M. -L’outils expédient : une partie intégrante de la production mésolithique Actes du coll. Antibes 16- Janvier CNRS p 164-171
  • • 2010 GUILBERT, R. BEECHING, A. CORDIER. F. -Le site Castelnovien de LaLo : premiers résultats. Septième Rencontres Méridionales de Préhistoire Récente, Lyon –Bron, 3-4 nov. 2006 p173-186
  • • 2011 BINDER,D., COLLINA,C., GUILBERT, R., GARCIA-PUCHOL O, PERRIN, T.: Pressure knapping in the North-Western Mediterranean during the 7 th millennium cal. BC, In DESROSIERS P.M and RAHMANI N, (Eds), -The Emergence of Pressure Knapping : From Origin to Modern Experimentation. Heidelberg : Springer Verlag. P.199-218.
  • •2016 BERGER J.-F, DELHON, C., MAGNIN, F., BONTÉ, S., PEYRIC, D., THIÉBAULT, S., GUILBERT-BERGER, R. & BEECHING, A. (2016). A fluvial record of the mid-Holocene rapid climatic changes in the middle Rhone valley (Espeluche-Lalo, France) and of their impact on Late Mesolithic and Early Neolithic societies. Quaternary Science Reviews, Vol 136, 66-84.
  • •2019 BERGER J.-F, GUILBERT-BERGER R.(2), MARRAST A.(3), MUNOZ O.(4), GUY H.(5), BARRA A. (1), LOPEZ-SAEZ, J.A.(6), PEREZ-DIAZ S.(6), MASHKOUR M.(3), DEBUE K.(3), LEFEVRE C. (3), GOSSELIN M. (12), MOUGNE C. (3), BRUNIAUX G. (13), THORIN S. (1), NISBET R.(7), OBERLIN C.(8), MERCIER N.(9), RICHARD M.(9), DEPREUX B.(10), PERRET F. (1), BEAREZ P., First contribution of the excavation and the chronostratigraphic study of Ruways 1 Neolithic shell midden (Oman), in terms of Neolithization, palaeoeconomy, social-environmental interactions and site formation processes. In special Issue : Third International Conference on the Archaeology of the Arabian Peninsula (R.Crassard eds), Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy