David Bourgarit
Bibliographie sélective
- Bourgarit, D, Collinet, A., Matériaux, alliages et techniques, in A Collinet (eds.) – Précieuses matières : L’art du métal dans le monde iranien médiéval Xe-XIIIe siècles, Paris : Faton / Editions du Louvre, 2021
- Castelle, M., Bourgarit, D., Bresc-Bautier, G. et Cadot-Leroux, L.. « Three is the Magic Number: Techniques and Materials of the Prestigious Anne de Montmorency Bronze Virtues ». Studies in Conservation, 28 avril 2021, 1‑14. https://doi.org/10.1080/00393630.2021.1919834, 2021
- Thomas, N., and D. Bourgarit. “La Peine Emporte-t-Elle Le Profit ? Économie de La Production Du Laiton Par Cémentation Au Moyen Âge.” In Medieval Copper, Bronze and Brass: History, Archaeology and Archaeometry of the Production of Brass, Bronze and Other Copper Alloy Objects in Medieval Europe (12th-16th Centuries), edited by N. Thomas and P. Dandridge, 71‑88. Études et Documents, Archéologie 39. Namur: Agence wallonne du Patrimoine, 2018.
- Castelle, M., Coquinot, Y., and Bourgarit, D. 2016. 'Casting cores of French bronze statues of the 16th and 17th centuries: Identification of regional practices and artistic choices'. Microchemical Journal, 126: pp. 121-131., 2016
- Bourgarit, D Thomas, N - Ancient brasses: misconceptions and new insights, in Archaeometallurgy in Europe III, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference, Deutsches Bergbau-Museum Bochum, June 29 – July 1, 2011,Hauptmann A. & Modarressi-Tehrani D. (eds), 255-262, 2015
- Bourgarit, D, Bassett, J., Bewer, F., Bresc-Bautier, G., Malgouyres, P., Scherf, G (eds.) - French Bronze Sculpture 16th – 18th Century: Materials and Techniques, London: Archetype, 2014
- Bourgarit, D, Mille, B.- Provenance du cuivre et alliages, in Circulation et provenance des matériaux dans les sociétés anciennes, Dillmann, P. and L. d. Bellot-Gurlet, (dir.). Paris, éditions des archives contemporaines. : 103-130, 2014
- Bourgarit, D Thomas, N. - Late Medieval copper alloying practices: A view from a Parisian workshop of the 14th century AD, Journal of Archaeological Sciences, 39 (10):3052-3070, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jas.2012.04.009, 2012
- Vincent, B. and Bourgarit, D. "Khmer Bronze Metallurgy during the Angkorian Period (12th-13th Century): Technical Investigation of a New Selected Corpus of Bronze Artifacts from the Phnom PenhNationalMuseum". In Fifth Forbes Symposium, Studies of Ancient Asian Metallurgy using Scientific Methods (Freer Gallery of Art, Washington DC (28-29th October 2010), London :Archetype, 124-153, 2012
- Bourgarit, D., Rostan, P., Carozza, L., Mille, B. and Artioli, G. 2010: - Vingt ans de recherches à Saint-Véran, Hautes Alpes: état des connaissances de l’activité de production de cuivre à l'âge du Bronze ancien. Trabajos de Prehistoria 67(2): 265-281 (doi:10.3989/tp.2010.10039), 2010
- Burger, E. Bourgarit, D., Wattiaux, A., Fialin, M. – The reconstruction of the first copper smelting processes in Europe during the 4th to the 3rd millennium BC: where does the oxygen come from?, Applied Physics A, 100 (3). 713-724, 2010
- Bourgarit, D., Bauchau, F.– The ancient brass cementation processes revisited by extensive experimental simulation, Journal of Metals, 62 (3), 51-57, 2010
- Bourgarit, D. - Chacolithic copper smelting. In Metals and Mines, La Niece, S., Hook, D. and Craddock, P. T. (ed.) London: Archetype Publications Ltd, 3-14, 2007
- Bourgarit, D., Mille, B., Borel, T., Baptiste, P. et Zéphir, T. - A Millennium of Khmer Bronze Metallurgy : A Technical Study of Seventy-five Bronze Artefacts from the Musee Guimet and the Phnom Penh National Museum, Scientific Research in the field of Asian art, P. Jett(ed.), Proc. 1st Forbes Symposium, Freer Gallery, 27-29 sep. 2001, Washington, London : Archetype Publications Ltd, 103-126, 2003
- Bourgarit, D. et Mille, B. - The elemental analysis of ancient copper-based artefacts by Inductively-Coupled-Plasma Atomic-Emission-Spectrometry (ICP-AES) : an optimized methodology reveals some secrets of the Vix Crater, Measurement Science and Technology, 14, 1538-1555, 2003