Valentina Figueroa
Domaine de recherche
– Archéologie Minière
– Archéométallurgie
– Archéologie contemporaine
– Archéologie collaborative
Programmes de recherche
– (2020-2023) Paisajes mineros prehispánicos en el Desierto de Atacama: hacia un estudio del uso de los minerales de cobre y su vinculación con la producción de tecnologías rituales. Responsable: V.Figueroa.
– (2020-2022) International Research Network on Contemporary Archaeology Studies in the Atacama Desert (Chile-Sweden). Responsable: V.Figueroa/Hakan Karlsson
– (2019-2022) ECOS ANID C19H05 Volcans et cultures du désert d’Atacama: Etude pluridisciplinaire et diachronique depuis la géologie, l’archéologie et l’ethnohistoire. Responsable: V.Figueroa/L.Audin
– (2020-2024) International Research Project (CNRS) ATACAMA-SHS Sciences humaines et sociales en territoire minier. Co-Responsable: V.Figueroa (Respons.N.Richard/H.Morales).
– (2022-2025) Small-scale fisheries in Northern Chile and Oceanic Islands: Conservation, management and politics of recognition (1991-2040). Co-Responsable: V.Figueroa (Respon. J.Aburto).
Bibliographie sélective
- 2013 Figueroa V, D Salazar, H Salinas, P Núñez-Regueiro, & G Manríquez. Prehispanic mining ergology of Northern Chile: An archaeological perspective 45 (1) :61-81.
- 2015 Figueroa, V., Diego Salazar, Benoit Mille & Germán Manríquez. Metal Production among coastal societies of the Atacama Desert, Archaeometry, 4 : 687–703.
- 2016 Flores C, V. Figueroa & D. Salazar. Tecnologías marítimas arcaicas: el uso del Choromytilus chorus en el desierto costero de Atacama. Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology 11(3): 411-424.
- 2018 Figueroa Valentina, Benoît Mille, Diego Salazar, José Berenguer, Andrew Menzies, Pía Sapiains, Ariadna Cifuentes y Delphine Joly. A major Prehispanic copper production center identified at Collahuasi, southern Tarapacá Altiplano (Chile). Chungara 50 (4): 557-575.
- 2021 Sapiains, P., Figueroa, V., Hayashida, F., Salazar, D., Menzies A., González C., Loyola R., Murphy B., González, J., Parcero-Oubiña, C. & Troncoso, A. 2021. Supergene Copper and the Ancient Mining Landscapes of the Atacama Desert: Refining the Protocol for the Study of Archaeological Copper Minerals through the Case Study of Pukara de Turi. Minerals 11 (12): 1402.
- 2022 Plaza, M.T., V. Figueroa & M. Martinon-Torres. Technology, life histories and circulation of gold objects during the middle period (ad 400–1000). a perspective from the Atacama desert, Chile. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 14, 89.
- 2022 Loyola Rodrigo, Valentina Figueroa, Lautaro Núñez, Marco Vázquez, Christian Espíndola, Millarca Valenzuela & Manuel Prieto. The Volcanic Landscapes of the Ancient Hunter-Gatherers of the Atacama Desert Through Their Lithic Remains. Frontiers in Earth Science, section Volcanology.