Denis Guilbeau
Domaine de recherche
Etude du développement des premières sociétés agropastorales, du Caucase à la Méditerranée à travers l’analyse de l’outillage en roche taillée.
Mes principaux thèmes de recherche concernent les productions spécialisées et ce qu’elles impliquent en termes d’organisation sociale et de relations culturelles.
Domaine d'enseignement
Enseignement ponctuel : législation et organisation administrative de l’archéologie (univ. de Montpellier Paul Valéry)
Programmes de recherche
- “La consolidación de las sociedades neolíticas en el Mediterráneo central. El asentamiento lacustre de La Marmotta (Roma, Italia)”, Proyectos Intramurales para Arqueología en el Exterior. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación/ CSIC, Dir. J. F. Gibaja (CSIC, Barcelone) 2020-2022 – analyse technologique et typologique de l’industrie lithique taillée.
- Gökçeada Uğurlu Archaeological Project, Dir. Burcin Erdoğu (Akdeniz universitesi, Antalya). Depuis 2010, étude de l’industrie lithique taillée.
- Fouille du site de Tepecik (Cappadoce, Turquie), sous la direction d’Erhan Bıçakçı (université d’Istanbul). Depuis 2016 – Étude de l’industrie lithique taillée, en collaboration avec Alice Vinet (doctorante, UMR8215 Trajectoires).
- ANR Link, Linking archaeology, anthropology and genomics to study the evolution and social organisation of Neolithic-Bronze Age communities in southwest France, coord. Mélanie Pruvost. Depuis 2022 – correspondant SRA (appui administratif et participation scientifique)
Bibliographie sélective
- ASTRUC L., DECAIX A., GUILBEAU D., LYONNET B., GULIYEV F., 2022, Agricultural Practices at Mentesh Tepe (Kura Valley, Azerbaijan) during the Neolithic, Chalcolithic and Bronze Age: An Overview from Sickle Elements and Botanical Remains, Arkeoloji Bilimleri Dergisi, Turkish Journal of Archaeological Sciences, pp. 15-51
- ASTRUC L., GUILBEAU D., GRATUZE B., CHATAIGNER C., BARGE O., LYONNET B., GULIYEV F., 2022, Procurement, least-cost path analysis and technological studies on obsidian assemblages from the Neolithic to the Early Bronze Age at Mentesh Tepe (Middle Kura Valley, Azerbaijan), Ancient Near Eastern Studies, vol. 58, pp. 195-253
- ASTRUC L., GUILBEAU D., GRATUZE B., LYONNET B., GULIYEV F., 2022, Neolithic chipped stone industry of Mentesh Tepe, (Middle Kura Valley, Azerbaijan): technological markers and relations to eastern Anatolia, in NISHIAKI Y., MAEDA O., ARIMURA M. (Eds), Traking the Neolithic in the Near East. Lithic Perspectives on Its Origins, Development and Dispersals, The Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on the PPN Chipped and Ground Stone Industries of the Near East, Tokyo, 12th-16th November 2019, Sidestone Press, Leiden, pp. 503-516
- GUILBEAU D., 2022, Tepecik Çiftlik (Turkey) and the exploitation of Cappadocian obsidian during the 7th millennium: preliminary results, in NISHIAKI Y., MAEDA O., ARIMURA M. (Eds), Traking the Neolithic in the Near East. Lithic Perspectives on Its Origins, Development and Dispersals, The Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on the PPN Chipped and Ground Stone Industries of the Near East, Tokyo, 12th-16th November 2019, Sidestone Press, Leiden, pp. 427-437
- GUILBEAU D., 2023, Distribution mechanisms of obsidian in Aegean from the Initial Neolithic to the Chalcolithic (6800-4500 cal BC): a view from Uğurlu (Gökçeda/Imbros island), in VINET A., GUILBEAU D., MILIC B., Strategies of obsidian procurement, knapping and use in the first farming societies from the Caucasus to the Mediterranean, OREA, Vienna
- MAZZUCCO N., MINEO M., AROBBA D., CARAMIELLO R., CARUSO FERME L., GASSIN B., GUILBEAU D., IBANEZ J. J., MORANDI L. F., MOZOTA M., PICHON F., PORTILLO M., RAGEOT M., REMOLINS G., ROTTOLI M., GIBAJA J. F., 2022, Multiproxy study of 7500-year-old wooden sickles from the Lakeshore Village of La Marmotta, Italy, Scientific Reports, vol. 12, pp.
- NECTOUX E., GUILBEAU D., IHUEL E., 2022, Les données paléoenvironnementales sur les sites archéologiques. Constats et retours d’expérience, Archéopages (hors série), octobre 2022, pp. 197-192
- PERLÈS C., GUILBEAU D., 2023, The exploitation and diffusion of obsidian from Italy and Greece (7th-4th millennia): an exploratory comparison, in VINET A., GUILBEAU D., MILIC B., Strategies of obsidian procurement, knapping and use in the first farming societies from the Caucasus to the Mediterranean, OREA, Vienna
- VINET A., GUILBEAU D., MILIC B. (eds), 2023, Strategies of obsidian procurement, knapping and use in the first farming societies from the Caucasus to the Mediterranean, OREA, Vienna